We have often to perform many various and serious purchases. But how to choose the right combination of price and quality? How to choose exactly the thing what you need? Our virtual tour will help you to compare some of the best suggestions and select the perfect one. You can see the variety of products and services, be it bridal salons and furniture stores, design services or beauty salons.
The company "VELOXI GRUP" SRL operates in the field of wholesale and retail trade of construction materials since 2008. Today, we offer our customers a wide range of products for ...
For the first time for our brand in the Moldovan market, we present an innovative product to support the mobility of our customers. Now, when buying a new car, we provide a package...
Scaune.md is an online store specializing in high-quality furniture for home and office. With over 850 models available, customers can choose from:
Misiunea noastră este să oferim clienților posibilitatea de a achiziționa mobilierul cu un design unic, construit pe un echipament tehnologic care are un aspect estetic și, ...
Without the hustle and bustle choose the place where then you will go for the service or products. With us you save your precious time!