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Home ARTICLES Teacher resource centers

Teacher resource centers

7850 19 July 2016

Teacher resource centers realize important functions of teaching and effective education. They learn innovative teaching methods and the results achieved in the learning process. Then, the methods that have proven their efficiency in training and achieving goals, both teachers and students, are introduced to the learning process. The centers engage on the theoretical and practical work.

One of the most important components of successful training is the effective teaching of the subject. Teacher resource centers are an element of the educational system, which contains educational subjects and teaching methods.

Centers that are presented on our site realize not only an effective training but also a quality teaching. Previously, the role of the teacher was essential in the learning process. Nowadays, in modern teacher resource centers a central place occupies the student and his activity. It is necessary to provide the student with a good level of education and the opportunity for self-development. Due to modern approach, the teacher task is to create the ideal conditions for each student. In this case the teacher must take into account the characteristics of the subject, the age of the student, his abilities, goals and wishes.

In our centers students can update their knowledge, form new skills and gain useful ones by solving practical actual tasks.

The main element of the trade union education and training of trade union cadres of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova is the Labor Institute. It realizes direct organization of educational activity in the frame of the Trade Union Confederation.

The Labor Institute provides educational services of high quality. The learning process has been constantly adapting to the needs of the trade unions. This approach permits to increase the influence of trade unions on life of society. In such a way we make training modern and available to all trade union employees.